Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Introduction: My Reasons, Rhymes, and Negotiations

On several occasions it has been brought to my attention, whether by my own realization or by a kind and thoughtful "over-observer" that in social settings (parties, get togethers, functions, etc...) I tend to carry the majority of the "talking weight" in a conversation. Not that this information bothers me to any real or upsetting extent, it has just made me conscious of how much I usually have to say regarding any given subject.

Hence, the creation of this blog. Finally I have an outlet to discuss, write, or quote any subject worthy of my time to talk about and my fingers to type about. So sit back, make yourself comfortable behind your screen and in your most likely uncomfortable chair and enjoy; and please, if given the opportunity...feel free to comment. So, agree, disagree, tell me I'm nuts and way off base...whatever, all I ask is that you please keep it clean. This is after all a family show.


Anonymous said...

I work with aron and I sure hope that this blog will help with his annoying "I know everything and want to tell you all about it" disorder. We are all crossing our fingers OLYMPIAN. GO ARON!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Danger, co-worker or not, is asking for problems with the comments he makes. I hope he is prepared to be taken to literary school!

The Saturnine Examination of Saul Goodman